

We are Oscar & Hilde

We are on a mission to find out how we want to live.

We are concerned about the current state of affairs on this planet and feel the need to improve our way of living by choosing to do things differently.
There are many inspiring initiatives to make this planet a better environment to live in and we are on a journey to find out how others created their better way to live. This quest is all about finding out what a better way of living means to us.

Hilde de Leeuw


With enthusiasm I dive into a 1001 interesting activities, but in this initiative it all comes together. I feel inspired by examples of ‘earth keepers’ (#downtoearth). I feel stimulated to continuously redefine my way of living; for myself, others and the planet. From the perspective of Ethics of Care, my study, we’re all connected and we’re all affected by care relations among ourselves and our care for the environment.

Oscar van Keulen with guitar


I’ve always been concerned about the way we treat the natural environment. I’m astonished at how little concern there is about the way we are ruining the planet. Minimizing my footprint and inspiring others to do the same, that is my focus for the future.
I also have a bunch of other interests, like mindfulness and website design. Click here to learn more.

We post regular updates on Instagram

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